An invitation for a Social Meet on 8th March

Email sent to “Central Area” Branches.

Dear Colleagues

I hope 2025 has started well for you. Following on from the success of the inaugural Area Social Meeting held in Nottingham back in July, I would like to invite all Central Area branches to the next one which is being hosted by Rushden Branch at 1400hrs on Saturday 8th March at:

  • Windmill Snooker Club
  • Glassbrook Road
  • Rushden
  • Northants
  • NN10 9RP

This is an informal meeting to allow members from across the Area to come together to share ideas, stories, memories etc and to enjoy a brew or two.

This meeting is not for ‘committee members’ only, it’s open any member of the Association, sitting within the Central Area: 

For catering purposes, please can you let me know if you’re planning to attend by Friday 28th February.

As ever, if you have any queries about this or anything else to do with the Central Area, please contact me on

marion.wells @ or 07960 460148.

Kindest regards

Marion Wells

Chair, Central Area Council.